Georgia Tech ECE2030: Introduction to Computer Engineering

Ϙ Lecture 1: Introduction
Ϙ Lecture 2: Number System
Ϙ Lecture 3: Switches and CMOS
Ϙ Lecture 4: CMOS Network
Ϙ Lecture 5: Boolean Algebra
Ϙ Lecture 6: Canonical Forms
Ϙ Lecture 7: Simplication using Karnaugh Maps
Ϙ Lecture 8: Quine-McCluskey Method
Ϙ Lecture 9: Combinational Logic, Mixed Logic
Ϙ Lecture 10: Timing Diagrams, Mux/DeMux
Ϙ Lecture 11: Decoders/Encoders, Comparators
Ϙ Lecture 12: Adders/Subtractors, Parity Checkers
Ϙ Lecture 13: Shifters, Multipliers
Ϙ Lecture 14: Sequential Logic Circuits
Ϙ Lecture 15: Registers, Toggle Cells, Counters
Ϙ Lecture 16: Finite State Machines
Ϙ Lecture 17: Memory and Programmable Logic
Ϙ Lecture 18: Instruction Set Architecture
Ϙ Lecture 19: Program Control
Ϙ Lecture 20: Datapath and Microcode Control