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All Technical Papers (by date)
Systems for Machine Learning
Conventional Processor Architecture and Compilers, Performance Modeling
Secure, Dependable and Autonomic Computing, DRM
Embedded Computing
Low-Power Techniques
FPGA Techniques
3D ICs, SoC, Physical Design and EDA Tools
Multicore, Parallel Architecture and Systems
Support for 3D Graphics

Refereed Journal Articles

IEEE TDSCWenjie Xiong, Liu Ke, Maxim Ostapenko, Yongmin Tai, Yeongon Cho, Joonho Song, Jinin So, Kyungsoo Kim, Yongsuk Kwon, Jin Jung, Jieun Lee, Byeongho Kim, Shin-haeng Kang, Sukhan Lee, Jeonghyeon Cho, Kyomin Sohn, Xuan Zhang, Hsien-Hsin S. Lee, G. Edward Suh. "Accelerating Confidential Recommendation Model Inference with Near-Memory Processing." To appear in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2025.
IEEE MICROHsien-Hsin S. Lee. "The Path to Powering Intelligence." In IEEE MICRO Special on The Past, Present, and Future of Warehouse-Scale Computing, Volume 44, Issue 5, Sept/Oct, 2024.
IEEE MICROLiu Ke, Xuan Zhang, Jinin So, Jong-Geon Lee, Shin-Haeng Kang, Sukhan Lee, Songyi Han, YeonGon Cho, JIN Hyun Kim, Yongsuk Kwon, KyungSoo Kim, Jin Jung, Ilkwon Yun, Sung Joo Park, Hyunsun Park, Joonho Song, Jeonghyeon Cho, Kyomin Sohn, Nam Sung Kim, and Hsien-Hsin S. Lee. "Near-Memory Processing in Action: Accelerating Personalized Recommendation with AxDIMM." In IEEE MICRO Special Issue on Processing in Memory, January/February, Vol.42, Issue 1, pp.116-127, 2022.
IEEE TCDae Hyun Kim, Krit Athikulwongse, Michael B. Healy, Mohammad M. Hossain, Moongon Jung, Ilya Khorosh, Gokul Kumar, Young-Joon Lee, Dean L. Lewis, Tzu-Wei Lin, Chang Liu, Shreepad Panth, Mohit Pathak, Minzhen Ren, Guanhao Shen, Taigon Song, Dong Hyuk Woo, Xin Zhao, Joungho Kim, Ho Choi, Gabriel H. Loh, Hsien-Hsin S. Lee, and Sung Kyu Lim. "Design and Analysis of 3D-MAPS 3D Massively Parallel Processor with Stacked Memory." In IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 64, No.1, pp.112-125, January, 2015.
J. SupercomputHong Jun Choi, Dong Oh Son, Seung Gu Kang, Jong Myon Kim, Hsien-Hsin Lee, and Cheol Hong Kim. "An Efficient Scheduling Scheme Using Estimated Execution Time for Heterogeneous Computing Systems." In Jounral of Supercomputing, Vol.65, Issue 2, pp.886-902, 2013..
IEEE ComputerSungkap Yeo and Hsien-Hsin S. Lee. "SimWare: A Holistic Warehouse-scale Computer Simulator." In IEEE Computer, Volume 45, Number 9, pp.48-55, September, 2012.
IEEE ComputerSungkap Yeo and Hsien-Hsin S. Lee. "Using Mathematical Modeling in Provisioning a Heterogeneous Cloud Computing Environment." In IEEE Computer, Volume 44, Number 8, pp.55-62, August, 2011.
ACM TACODong Hyuk Woo, Joshua B. Fryman, Allan D. Knies, and Hsien-Hsin S. Lee. "Chameleon: Virtualizing Idle Acceleration Cores of A Heterogeneous Multi-Core Processor for Caching and Prefetching." In ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.3:1-3:35, April, 2010.
ACM OSRDong Hyuk Woo and Hsien-Hsin S. Lee. "PROPHET: Goal-Oriented Provisioning for Highly Tunable Multicore Processors in Cloud Computing." In ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review special issue on the Interaction among the OS, Compilers, and Multicore Processors, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp.102-103, April, 2009.
IEEE ComputerDong Hyuk Woo and Hsien-Hsin S. Lee. "Extending Amdahl's Law for Energy-Efficient Computing in the Many-Core Era." In IEEE Computer, Vol. 41, No. 12, pp.24-31, December, 2008.
IEEE MICRODong Hyuk Woo, Joshua B. Fryman, Allan D. Knies, Marsha Eng, and Hsien-Hsin S. Lee. "POD: A 3D-Integrated Broad-Purpose Acceleration Layer." In IEEE MICRO special issue on Accelerator Architectures, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp.28-40, July/August, 2008.
IEEE MICROTaeweon Suh, Hsien-Hsin S. Lee, and Douglas M. Blough. "Integrating Cache Coherence Protocols for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems, Part 2." In IEEE MICRO, pp.70-78, September/October, 2004.
IEEE MICROTaeweon Suh, Hsien-Hsin S. Lee, and Douglas M. Blough. "Integrating Cache Coherence Protocols for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems, Part 1." In IEEE MICRO special issue on Embedded Systems: Architecture, Design and Tools, pp.33-41, July/August, 2004.
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